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The Resurrection of Mary


A Novel by David Armstrong

The Story

Turning Injustice into Justice

Innocent people are dying. Mark Solier is a devoutly religious man and he is arrested for killing them with just his mind. Mary Morgan is a young, ambitious, soon to be lawyer who makes a case for him to be tried for murder. An equally ambitious secret group, born at Yale and solidified through the Skull and Bones, conclude the facts to be true. The case gets national attention and Jack Rucker, a Bonesman and the new United States Attorney General, seeks the death penalty. Everything spirals out of control as more innocent people continue to die.

The Characters

Mary Morgan

Mary Morgan doesn't like being second. She is young, but smart and determined to be different. She can think fast, remember everything, and is focused on research, hardwork and finding the truth.

Mark Solier

Mark Solier had led an interesting life. He graduated early, traveled the world, and is an executive at Baxter Enterprises, a cutting edge genetic pharmaceutical company. He is different than most people, which scares them.

Joe Callahan

Joe Callahan is Jack Rucker's friend and is a hard nosed sheriff from New Mexico. He is well liked, becomes governor, then a senator and then runs for the nation's highest office. Not without a little controversy along the way though.

Jack Rucker

Jack Rucker has spent his entire life in the pursuit of justice. He went to Yale, recruited for Skull & Bones, and quietly influenced the history of the US Legal system. He is now in the fight of his life.

Stephen C. Canner

Stephen C. Canner is a relentless journalist who creates sensational news by putting together stories with only a few facts. He never stops. He has a nose for scandal and is almost always right.

Ralph Stoufer

Ralph Stoufer wants to be a quiet hero. He has known Jack Rucker for more than forty years, and has been involved in almost every major legislative transformation in the United States, yet know one knows him. He likes it that way.

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Meet Mary, Jack, Thomas, Stuart, Ralph, and others.

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About the Author

David Armstrong is a dad of three kids and a husband to a wonderful wife. He has lived multiple lives in one. Growing up in a small town near Philadelphia, serving in the US Air Force, serving as a combat veteran, then a corporate drone and tech entrepreneur. He is a first generation American. He has never given up on what should be. He defines himself as a former rebel, now a renegade.

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The world in which we live forces us to choose. We first have to choose right from wrong, then we must choose to act or not. There is a fine line between justice and revenge. You choose, you decide. Be careful.